Infographic: The consumer economy at a glance

Jun 14, 2013
Before we answer the question of whether we can afford the consumer economy, we have to know how much we're spending.
According to the current Consumer Price Index, the inflation rate is zero percent. But for many people, their cost of living doesn't reflect the data's averages.
401(K) 2012 / Creative Commons

A Saturday shopping trip leads to some big questions

Jun 10, 2013
A Saturday shopping trip started out fairly innocently... and ended with some big questions about our consumer economy and whether it is sustainable long-term.

Can we afford the consumer economy?

Jun 7, 2013
Marketplace will spend a week looking at all aspects of the consumer economy -- from businesses to workers to shoppers -- and ask: Can we keep going at this rate?
Host Kai Ryssdal heads out on a shopping trip to help uncover problems with the consumer economy as we know it today.
Kenneth Brown/Marketplace

We're spending less on things that are getting cheaper

May 31, 2013
In February, then March, Americans spent more money than the month before. But today there's news that consumer spending dropped a tenth percent in April.

What's behind the uptick in consumer spending?

May 17, 2013
Retail sales rose a tenth of a percent in April. Why are people spending more and are they going back into credit card debit over these purchases?
Joseph Klein of Sayville, N.Y., is assisted by Lowe's employee Ormani Rivera after his purchase of a generator in Hicksville, N.Y.
Bruce Bennett/Getty Images

Signs of weakness in how much we make and how much we spend

Apr 29, 2013
U.S. personal income and consumer spending increased by 0.2 percent in March. Julia Coronado, chief economist with the investment bank BNP Paribas, discusses the numbers and what they mean for the economy.

How much is too much spending on big life events?

Apr 26, 2013
A Visa study finds that prom costs about $1,100 -- but kids from families with incomes under $50,000, and kids with single parents, spend more on prom. Turns out there’s a long tradition of chastising the poor for spending “too much” on big life events.

For public good, not for profit.

Personal income, spending up for American consumers

Apr 1, 2013
Consumers had a strong February -- spending jumped 0.7 percent and personal income rose 1.1 percent.

Chinese consumers hit tough times

Mar 11, 2013
Global markets are mixed this morning after China reported that inflation hit a ten-month high in February and consumer spending came in worse than expected.

The enduring impact of the fiscal cliff

Jan 31, 2013
The fiscal cliff debate may have ended on January 1st, but if you thought that was the last you'd heard of it, think again.