Adam Berry/Getty Images

Finding local labor for public projects

Aug 4, 2015
Should contractors who bid on public projects be forced to hire more local workers?

Reversing a trend, Instacart checks out part-timers

Jun 22, 2015
The company is reclassifying some of its independent contractors.

What it takes to get a soldier's boots on the ground

Feb 11, 2015
A military-led operation against ISIS would require significant civilian support.

The growth of government contractors in surveillance

Jun 11, 2013
The use of government contractors involved in surveillance work has grown tremendously since 9/11. How big is this business?

Snowden NSA leak raises questions about intelligence contractors

Jun 10, 2013
Edward Snowden, a 29-year-old private intelligence contractor has revealed himself as the NSA leaker. How did he get access and what does it say about our intelligence apparatus?

Inside the National Craft Championship

May 13, 2013
A competition for the construction industry.

For public good, not for profit.

Workers protest pay, conditions at Walmart warehouses

Nov 26, 2012
Critics say a system of contracting out warehouse operation and hiring allows discounters to avoid responsibility for workers.