Kim Dotcom sticks it to the man, again, with Mega; The future of libraries

Jan 22, 2013
The eccentric Megaupload founder is back with a new service that's sure to be a stick in the craw of the U.S. federal prosecutors pursuing a copyright infringement case against him. Also, libraries may be moving to a bookless future, but not if patrons have anything to say about it.

Tolkien's estate battles over 'Hobbit' rights

Nov 28, 2012
The issue isn't "Hobbit" action figures and merchandise, but intangible uses like a Hobbit ringtone.

Entertainment industry to launch new anti-piracy campaign

Oct 17, 2012
Some of the nation's largest Internet Service Providers are teaming with the music and recording industry to block access to web sites that don't follow copyright laws.

A new digital music battle, and online gaming as political liability

Oct 7, 2012
A Maine state senate candidate gets attacked for her online gaming activities, and a startup that wants to help you sell your used MP3s goes to court against a big entertainment company.

Michael Jordan defends his name against Chinese company

Feb 24, 2012
Basketball star Michael Jordan is suing a Chinese company that makes sportswear. He says Qiodan is using his name without permission, and has filed suit in a Chinese court.

ACTA - the new SOPA and PIPA

Jan 25, 2012
We watched the collective web flex its muscles last week as sites went dark in protest of SOPA and PIPA, effectively killing the anti-piracy bills that were up for review in both houses of Congress. Time for a new acronym: ACTA, which stands for Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement. This time out, the anti-piracy crime-fighting effort is […]

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