Can you negotiate your credit card rate?

May 20, 2022
Credit Counselors can work with banks to bring down interest rates in order to get debt paid off.
Your credit card interest rate is negotiable — in a way.
Creative/Getty Images Illustration by Julia Schiff

Double whammy: Credit card debt grows as interest rates rise

May 9, 2022
Americans have a $860 billion credit card balance, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
After paying down credit card debt for the past few years, Americans have gone back to high spending.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Who has added credit card debt during the pandemic?

Sep 28, 2021
Survey finds that people 40 and under are more likely than those who are older to have more credit card debt now than they did a year and a half ago.
The rise of consumer credit has banks on the lookout for whether or not consumers can pay their debt.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

As consumers pay off credit card debt, banks are likely to offer credit incentives

Jun 1, 2021
Banks are already stepping up marketing campaigns to try to get more consumers to use their services.
Since people have been good about paying off their balances, consumers’ credit scores have improved, says Andrew Davidson, who follows credit cards at Comperemedia.
AsiaVision via Getty Images

Could your emergency savings pay off your credit card debt?

Feb 25, 2021
More than half of Americans say their emergency savings could pay off their credit card debt, according to a recent poll.
Ridofranz via Getty Images
Last year's federal relief payments contributed to American households' ability to pay down their credit card obligations in the second quarter.
Violeta Stoimenova via Getty Images

Credit card debt is falling. That's good news — and bad news

Nov 19, 2020
It's good news for our personal economies, but it means we're not spending as much to prop the economy as a whole.
One expert says retail spending is losing steam right as the critical holiday shopping season is ramping up.
Olivier Douliery/AFP via Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

With the CFPB's future uncertain, New York and other states want to step in

Mar 5, 2020
Some states are stepping up their plans to regulate the debt collection industry. Consumer advocates say the moves come at a time when Federal protections are weakening.
Gov. Cuomo announced a plan to crack down on fraud with additional oversight of the debt collection industry.
Scott Heins/Getty Images

Credit card delinquency is rising. Should we be worried?

Dec 13, 2019
Consumers have been carrying this economy. That may be harder if they're behind on their bills.
Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images

Credit card interest rates are rising

Oct 9, 2018
The average rate is just over 17 percent, and it's expected to keep going up.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images