With credit card debt, not all states are equal

Jul 4, 2014
What factors contribute to people in certain states holding more credit card debt?

Should I skip my monthly payment?

Nov 27, 2013
This time of year, some lenders send out offers to let you "skip a payment."

Your credit questions answered

Aug 2, 2013
From credit cards to credit scores, personal finance expert Louis Barajas answers your questions about getting in and out of debt.

Financial Feud: Store credit vs. Credit score

Have you ever accepted a credit offer at the register? Or do you think store cards hurt more than they help? See what are experts say and weigh in.

Millennials likely to take debt to their graves

Jan 31, 2013
A new study suggests Gen Y borrowers shows their repayment patterns don’t match up with past generations. (And that’s not a good thing.)

Report: Average credit card debt rises

Nov 19, 2012
Credit report company TransUnion is reporting the average credit card debt per borrower grew five percent in the latest quarter and average debt is now almost $5,000.

Advice for when you're drowning in credit card debt

Oct 12, 2012
It's a situation facing many Americans -- you're thousands of dollars in debt with seemingly no end in sight. What can you do? MSN's Liz Weston offers some advice.
Mortgage rates are down. So are auto loans. What about credit card rates?
Spencer Platt/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

As Americans pay off credit cards, student loan debt grows

Sep 10, 2012
Credit card delinquency rates are near record lows, but student loan debt is filling the void and that could affect the job market

Letters: Solving problems with the plastic

Jul 6, 2012
Credit cards can make you feel like anything's possible -- until you get the bill.

Dealing with credit card debts

Mar 12, 2012
Where can I find reputable resources to help restructure credit card debt? Tom, Charlotte, NC