Is Bitcoin a currency, security or commodity? Depends who you ask

Jul 3, 2018
Bitcoin has a bit of an identity crisis when it comes to regulatory frameworks.
A visual representation of the digital cryptocurrency, bitcoin, alongside U.S. dollars.
Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

Are traders messing with the price of bitcoin? And why should you care?

The U.S. is reportedly investigating price manipulation in digital currencies.
JACK GUEZ/AFP/Getty Images

ICOs raised billions last year. Should Silicon Valley be worried?

Initial coin offerings let startups skip venture capital funding, but will they last?

Venezuela turns to crypto currency, hoping to salvage battered economy

Feb 20, 2018
Venezuelan government will begin pre-selling a cryptocurrency today, called the "petro."

Even for cryptocurrency traders, the taxman cometh

Feb 15, 2018
As more people invest in cryptocurrency, will they report gains or losses to the IRS? One tax preparer says only a fraction of tax filers have reported cryptocurrency investments so far. How much money could the IRS be missing out on? And what should cryptocurrency traders be aware of when it comes to possible tax […]

Bitcoin is a hassle ... but maybe not for long

A new technology aims to make the cryptocurrency work faster and use less computing power.
JACK GUEZ/AFP/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

A visual representation of the digital cryptocurrency, bitcoin alongside U.S. dollars.
Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

Bitcoin miners are optimistic about the future

Dec 21, 2017
There’s been a little dip in the bitcoin market this week. The cryptocurrency has dropped about 10 percent against the dollar. Of course, that’s in the face of a 1,700 percent rise in the past year, so those tulip bulb analogies still apply. Speculators, however, (investors, if you prefer) are just one side of the […]

5 things you need to know about bitcoin

Dec 15, 2017
Marketplace Tech host Molly Wood on the must-knows of the crytpocurrency.
In an age of encryption, one of the major innovations of Bitcoin is their block-chain technology, which allows for transaction to be encrypted and tracked.