Transgender patients protected under health care rules

Jul 18, 2016
New regulations from Health and Human Services prohibit gender discrimination.
 Seventy percent of transgender people have experienced discrimination in health care, according to one study.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Defining sex discrimination yesterday and today

May 18, 2016
One author traces the history of gender rights back to the 1964 Civil Rights bill.
Howard R. Hollem/Getty Images

Why gender bias ... is the "elephant in the valley"

Jan 26, 2016
A survey of tech veterans looks at discrimination faced by women in Silicon Valley.
Ellen Pao (C) leaves the San Francisco Superior Court Civic Center Courthouse on March 27, 2015 in San Francisco, California. A jury found no gender bias against Reddit interim CEO Ellen Pao and former employee at Silicon Valley venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caulfield and Byers. After testifying in the case, independent investor Trae Vassallo was inspired by the support she received from other women to start The Elephant Valley Survey.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

The changing role of Advanced Placement classes

May 4, 2015
At some schools, they're more about college prep than college credit.

How one high school is closing the AP gap

Apr 28, 2015
Research and outreach at Roosevelt High is putting more kids in advanced classes.

Silicon Valley's diversity issues highlighted in trial

Mar 2, 2015
Ellen Pao is suing Kleiner Perkins for gender discrimination and retaliation

For public good, not for profit.

Sex discrimination suit set to start in Silicon Valley

Feb 25, 2015
The case highlights how women still struggle to find a place in venture capital.

How an algorithm is taught to be prejudiced

Feb 3, 2015
Algorithms may be learning stereotypes – and abetting data discrimination.