Google gets slammed with the biggest FTC fine ever

Aug 10, 2012
But will the smackdown change online tracking for Google or anyone else?

Microsoft makes 'Do Not Track' the default

Jun 4, 2012
Advertisers are not amused. In the upcoming version of Windows, Internet Explorer will have its "Do Not Track" feature turned on by default. Goodbye creepy ads that seem to follow you around -- hello, more generic ads for great deals on car insurance?

Will online privacy laws actually make a difference?

Feb 24, 2012
There's been a lot of talk recently about privacy protection on the web. The White House and tech companies say they want to protect you, but can they?

Companies are not following their own Do-Not-Track policies

Jul 13, 2011
That's according to a recent study from Stanford's Center for Internet and Society. While Congress wrestles with online privacy legislation, the...

For public good, not for profit.

Rockefeller prepares Do Not Track bill

May 9, 2011
Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) is planning to introduce The Do-Not-Track Online Act of 2011. This story emerged on Friday but the bill will be...

Do Not Track Kids bill

May 6, 2011
Reps. Edward Markey (D-Mass.) and Joe Barton (R-Texas) are releasing a draft bill today called the Do Not Track Kids Act of 2011. From The Hill: ...

California advances Do Not Track

May 5, 2011
While Congress hems and haws about privacy legislation, California is moving forward on a bill that would be, if passed, the first Do Not Track...