Local Money: Where do you place the 'rehab capital of the world?'

Feb 26, 2016
South Florida is known for its nice weather, beaches, and increasingly, its rehab centers.
Delray Beach, Florida
Wikimedia/Creative Commons

Fighting poverty and opiate addiction in rural communities

Feb 24, 2016
Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack on battling poverty, and all that comes with it.
Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack on battling poverty, and all that comes with it.

Survey shows drug price hikes widespread in industry

Feb 4, 2016
It's not just a few bad players, as Congressional hearing puts drug costs in focus.

A challenge at the FDA: Getting new generics to market

Nov 17, 2015
Right now, it takes a long time to bring a generic drug to market — 48 months.

Where data and drugs intersect

Nov 13, 2015
Lizzie recorded this conversation onstage at the Fast Company Innovation Festival.

The Dark Web: Still weaving

Nov 11, 2015
Silk Road's legacy: A more complex ecosystem of services that are easier to use.
askal bosch/Flickr via Creative Commons

For public good, not for profit.

Drug made with 3-D printer wins first FDA approval

Aug 4, 2015
Aprecia Pharmaceuticals got the OK for its epilepsy drug.

Teva agrees to buy Allergan for $40 billion

Jul 27, 2015
If approved, the deal places Teva amongst the largest drug companies on the planet.

Looking for progress for treating Alzheimer's

Jul 22, 2015
Eli Lilly reports the results of a trial for Alzheimer's medication.