Book printers are reporting a surprising end-of-year crunch

Jan 1, 2019
For the first time in a decade the industry is seeing more demand than it can supply.
"Now we get about five to 10 queries every single week from people who are really faced with the prospect of having to turn their home environment into their office environment," said Nick Bates, CEO of Bookbarn International.
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The science and economics behind 'The Martian'

Sep 30, 2015
The humble origin of a big Hollywood production.

How tech is changing reading at libraries

Sep 3, 2014
A conversation with Courtney Young, president of the American Library Association.

Has the rise of the e-reader changed how we read?

Sep 2, 2014
How e-readers are both helping and hurting our ability to read and comprehend.

Barnes and Noble hopes to turn the page on falling sales

Jan 8, 2014
Between competition from Amazon, and the less-than-tremendous success of its Nook, Barnes and Noble is in a tough spot.

For public good, not for profit.

BP says static kill is working...

Aug 4, 2010
... The government says three-quarters of the oil has already broken up! Louisiana shrimpers getting set to return to work. Not everyone's thri...

Amazon sells more invisible electric books than actual books

Jul 20, 2010
Hard cover ones anyway. Yeah, this one shocked me. Of course, I just downloaded War & Peace for free from Amazon so I guess anything is...