Nasdaq'ed: tech slide continues

Apr 11, 2014
It was a rough week for tech and bio-tech stocks.

What story will Twitter's first earnings report tell?

Feb 5, 2014
As Twitter reports earnings as a public company for the first time, analysts watch for more than just how much money it brought in.

Mario doesn't do mobile (and Nintendo suffers)

Oct 30, 2013
Nintendo's decision not to go mobile is costing it big time.

Google's privacy problems

Oct 17, 2013
With Google set to report its earnings, the company is taking some heat about privacy issues.

So goes tech earnings, so goes the economy?

Jul 18, 2013
Intel and eBay are forecasting choppy waters for the second half of the year. Google and Microsoft will release their latest business reports later today.

Is Madison Ave. living it up like Don Draper?

Jul 18, 2013
As the advertising industry embraces the Internet, it still depends on an older technology to deliver results.

For public good, not for profit.

Why it's a good time to be Goldman Sachs

Jul 16, 2013
Goldman Sachs reported its latest business results on Tuesday. Profits -- as measured by net income -- hit $1.9 billion in the second quarter, twice the performance of the quarter before.

IBM and Google earnings: An old bellwether and a new one

Jul 16, 2013
The earnings reports will certainly express some things about the state of the tech world, but also perhaps, the condition of the larger economy.

JPMorgan's profits foretell good economic fortunes

Jul 12, 2013
JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo reported higher profits, after a quarter in which interest rates rose sharply.