Taxing the rich is good for the economy

Apr 18, 2012
Commentator Robert Reich says increased tax revenue greases the wheels of economic growth

The Obama interview: The 'recipe for economic growth'

Mar 22, 2012
Yesterday, Marketplace's Kai Ryssdal sat down with President Obama to speak about health care, energy, and the economy at large. Kai asked the president to make the case for why his economic policies have been good for America.

Is China's slow growth estimate a bad thing?

Mar 6, 2012
Markets reacted badly to China cutting its growth estimate to 7.5% but changes could allow Chinese consumers to buy more of their own products.

China's slowing growth rate not meeting expectations

Mar 5, 2012
Premier Wen Jiabao of China announced that growth would be only 7.5 percent, a number that falls below what is considered a critical growth rate for keeping the Chinese population happy.

Chinese government lowers growth forecast for year

Mar 5, 2012
In China today, the government lowered the country's growth forecast for the year to 7.5 percent. That's the first target under 8 percent since 2005.

The economy's growing, but the jobs aren't coming

Nov 23, 2010
And this final note. We talked earlier with John Cassidy about what's changed on Wall Street in the two years since the financial meltdown....

For public good, not for profit.