The Problems with the Volcker Rule

Oct 21, 2011
In Washington, a piece of the financial reform law that was passed last year is having a tough time getting implemented. It's called the Volcker...

Help Write the Rules for Bank Gambling

Oct 17, 2011
Our big bank regulators have a couple of questions for you. Actually, make that 394 questions....

Happy: The Movie

Oct 14, 2011
A new documentary about the search for happiness is playing in Boulder tonight, Bellingham tomorrow as well as Buffalo, New York City, Flagstaff,...

The Appalachian Trail Index

Oct 13, 2011
On Tuesday, David checked in on some unconventional economic indicators from early in the recession, and while researching, another unusual indic...

Measuring the Economy with Underwear and Puppies

Oct 12, 2011
One of the great things about the economy is that it's quantifiable. You can measure stuff like gross domestic product and retail sales. But really...

The Foreclosure Crisis Hits Hospitals, Prisons

Oct 12, 2011
If you lost your house unfairly in the last couple of years, you might see a silver lining in the next couple of weeks. There's a big legal...

Volcker Rule Ends Speculation, Creates Speculation

Oct 11, 2011
Of all the hundreds of rules passed to prevent another financial crisis, the one regulators begin unveiling today is perhaps the most feared by t...

For public good, not for profit.

"The Department of Happiness"

Oct 10, 2011
The LA Times recently blogged about the possibility of a Department of Happiness: Someday in the not-too-distant future, the U.S. departments...


Oct 10, 2011
I was down at Occupy Wall Street today, where Columbus Day could be felt in the increased quantity of school-age kids. (There was a "teach-in" ju...

Watching Occupy Wall Street

Oct 7, 2011
As the protest enters it's fourth week, more and more people are heading down to Lower Manhattan to have a look for themselves at Occupy Wall...