'Top Chef' serves online cooking lessons

May 19, 2010
There are lots of things we can learn from reality TV stars: How to sulk, preen, and milk every last bit from your 15 minutes. The producers of "Top Chef" are hoping you might want to learn something real -- like how to roast a chicken. And maybe even pay for the privilege. Jeff Horwich reports.

Workforce is getting older, less educated

May 10, 2010
The Brookings Institution released a study saying country's getting older and less educated. Report authors suggest recruiting skilled, educated immigrants to help the workforce. Nancy Marshall Genzer reports.

Appealing your financial aid package

May 7, 2010
Pam Fowler, director of financial aid at the University of Michigan, talks with Tess Vigeland about why and how to appeal a college financial aid package.

More cuts expected for educators, staff

May 4, 2010
State budget cuts are hitting public schools hard. Education Secretary Arne Duncan predicts up to 300,000 teachers and other public school staff could lose their jobs. Amy Scott reports.

Survey: 275,000 education jobs may be cut

May 4, 2010
A new survey by the American Association of School Administrators says 82 percent of U.S. school districts are expected to cut jobs and more than...

Colorado bill raises stakes for teachers

May 4, 2010
A new Colorado bill would tie a teacher's evaluation to student scores on standardized tests. Depending on how the teacher performs, it could mean the difference between job protection or a pink slip. Eve Troeh reports.

Money drives decisions on college

Apr 30, 2010
The clock is ticking for high school seniors to send in deposits to reserve their college spots. Amy Scott reports these days money is a big factor in choosing colleges, especially in this economy.

For public good, not for profit.

Students who take on enormous debt

Apr 30, 2010
The College Board's Patricia Steele talks with Steve Chiotakis about students who borrow more than they can handle paying back.

More jobs will require graduate degree

Apr 29, 2010
A report out today says by the end of the decade, nearly 20 percent more jobs will require a Master's or PhD. But graduation rates are low for PhD's, and few minority students go beyond an undergraduate education. Mitchell Hartman reports.

More jobs will require graduate degree

Apr 29, 2010
A report out today says by the end of the decade, nearly 20 percent more jobs will require a Master's or PhD. But graduation rates are low for PhD's, and few minority students go beyond an undergraduate education. Mitchell Hartman reports.