Haitian Creole courses may aid recovery

Jan 28, 2010
The needs of Haiti and its people as it tries to rebuild are almost unimaginable. Some colleges are already thinking of long-term help, though. John Dimsdale reports.

Obama could ease student loan burden

Jan 27, 2010
Right now, most college graduates must spend 15 percent of their disposable income paying off their federal student loans monthly for up to 25 years. But one of President Obama's new initiatives could help relieve that burden. Caitlan Carroll explains.

Census workforce more highly educated

Jan 19, 2010
The bad job market has given the census its best crop of door knockers in years. Brett Neely reports.

Competition up for educational funding

Jan 19, 2010
Educators are working harder to prove their students are the highest performers so they can win educational funding in hard times. Jennifer Collins explores how the recession has made schools more competitive for limited resources.

Schools race for piece of federal grant

Jan 18, 2010
States are competing for a piece of a $4.3 billion federal education grant. Winning depends on statewide programs to boost student performance and on improvements at individual schools. Jennifer Collins reports on the "Race to the Top."

Compensation rises for college execs

Jan 18, 2010
A Chronicle of Higher Education survey shows the median salary for a public university president rose to $436,000 last year, up 2.3% from the previous year. The Chronicle's Jeff Selingo shares the details of the survey with host Tess Vigeland.
University of Louisville President James R. Ramsey turned down a $314,858 bonus last year.
Tom Fougerousse / University of Louisville

New Barnes & Noble service rents texts

Jan 11, 2010
Barnes & Noble, one of the biggest operators of college bookstores, says it's expanding its textbook rental program. Alisa Roth reports.

For public good, not for profit.

More Latinos filling community colleges

Jan 8, 2010
Increasing numbers of students are starting their pursuit of higher education at community colleges. Among them are minorities, Latinos especially, who see the schools as a good first step. Emily Hanford reports.

A push for Latinos to pursue education

Jan 7, 2010
Latinos are the fastest-growing part of the U.S. population. But Latino students are the least likely to get college degrees, so they're getting special attention. Emily Hanford reports.

States vie for federal education grants

Jan 4, 2010
The deadline is approaching for states to apply for more than $4 billion in federal education grants. States are scrambling to be eligible as the most innovative reforms will get the largest grants. John Dimsdale reports.