Why I don't need a senior discount

Feb 15, 2013
Senior citizens get to purchase a host of goods and services at prices 10-20 percent lower than their under-5o counterparts. But commentator Lorie Eber says it's time for senior citizens give up their discounts.

The 'Retireless' -- Over 75, and still working

Jan 25, 2013
The number of people 75 and older still working has grown over the last two decades -- some from need, but many because they want to.

One woman's story of elder financial abuse

Nov 16, 2012
Anna Mae Franklin, 83, describes how she learned about elder financial abuse the hard way.

Sandy strands elderly in New York highrises

Nov 1, 2012
New York is boosting food deliveries to elderly residents stuck in powerless high-rise buildings. Nonprofits are scrambling to help too.

The costs of taking care of an elderly relative

Jul 11, 2012
Taking a look at how to provide for an elderly relative who is having trouble taking care of himself or herself.

Bad news for older workers

May 16, 2012
The Government Accountability Office says the number of long-term unemployed 55 and older has more than doubled since the recession began back in 2007. That's bad news for the economy and children of retirees.

For public good, not for profit.

In the spotlight: Senior student debt

Apr 6, 2012
People age 60 and older owe more than $36 billion in student loans. Tess discusses the latest debt bubble with Marketplace Education correspondent Amy Scott.

Stealing from the old

Feb 6, 2012
Call it "elder financial abuse," the largely unreported crime claims hundreds of thousands of victims each year.

Stepping up and stepping in for an aging parent

Feb 3, 2012
People coping with elderly parents in failing health face tough decisions. But there are warning signs indicating when loved ones should step in.