As China slows, emerging markets stamp on the brakes

Feb 3, 2014
The Fed's actions are affecting emerging markets, but there's something else weighing things down: China.

What tapering in the U.S. has to do with Turkey and South Africa

Jan 29, 2014
Why our recovery is throwing emerging economies into a tizzy

Emerging markets spook investors

Jan 27, 2014
Emerging markets are starting off 2014 in the worst place they've been in 5 years.

Global implications of this week's Fed meeting

Sep 17, 2013
Changes in U.S. monetary policy could create problems in emerging markets.

India and Brazil's economic reversal of fortune

Aug 30, 2013
Emerging markets that thrived during the recession are seeing the flow of capital dry up.

Surprise! Namibia's economics aren't the same as Laos'

Jul 9, 2013
Developing nations haven't weathered the 2008 financial in the same way. One author says we should stop pretending they have.

Emerging market economies see currency slowdown

Jun 3, 2013
From the Turkish lira to the South African rand, many emerging market currencies are down as U.S. interest rates increase.

For public good, not for profit.

Beer makers look to emerging markets

Aug 22, 2012
Today, the Dutch beer giant, Heineken, says its facing sluggish growth because of lagging demand in Europe. It seems, on the whole, Europeans aren’t drinking away their sorrows over the debt crisis – not with beer anyway.

Heineken bids on Southeast Asian brewer

Jul 20, 2012
Heineken has offered $6 billion to buy Asia Pacific Breweries, which makes Tiger beer. Their giant bid was meant to elbow out a play by a billionaire from Thailand and get a stronger hold on the Southeast Asian market.

Fears of global slowdown sink markets

Jun 4, 2012
Stocks are down all over the world this morning as investors have their first chance to react to the Labor Department's May jobs report that came out on Friday. But the negative market sentiment isn't just about jobs.