Warner Bros. expands offerings on Facebook

Mar 28, 2011
I don't know about you, but when I'm in the mood to watch a movie, I always think "If only I could watch Yogi Bear on Facebook". DREAMS FULFILLED....

"You're not buying music" - Supreme Court

Mar 28, 2011
Alright fine, that's a bit of an extrapolation. But last week the Supreme Court declined to hear a case involving royalties paid to musicians for...

The cost of comedy

Mar 24, 2011
The average price of laughter is up this year, according to the 2011 Cost of Laughing index -- an unusual sign of economic growth.

Lendle goes back up

Mar 23, 2011
Not sure what's going on with Amazon and Lendle at this point. No one's talking. But the Kindle book lending site called Lendle (get it?) is back...

British record labels look toward new media for fresh talent

Mar 22, 2011
Hit talent shows like "The X Factor" have become a prime source of new talent for the British music industry.

The next big TV hit may start online

Mar 21, 2011
We had news last week in our memo of Netflix producing original content - a show staring Kevin Spacey. This week, we hear Hulu is set to start...

A no-lose, no-cash out way to gamble

Mar 18, 2011
Marketplace's Sean Cole looks at a game where people use real money to place bets, even they know they'll never, ever win.

For public good, not for profit.

Today's "According to a Recent Study" artist: John Roderick

Mar 16, 2011
A while back, I started noticing how unavoidable the phrase "according to a recent study" was when it came to writing scripts for the show. It's a...

Report: Netflix to invest in original content

Mar 16, 2011
The Internet and home entertainment delivery service plans to produce and distribute its own "television" show, according to Deadline Hollywood. This is a move that's got Hollywood worried.

Zediva has new movies, low prices, legal questions

Mar 16, 2011
A web service called Zediva is offering rentals of new release movies before Netflix or Redbox. For only $1.99, you can watch the movie on your co...