Stories Tagged as
Former Sen. Dodd lands new role in Hollywood
Mar 2, 2011
His first role in Hollywood was playing himself in the 1993 movie "Dave." But former Sen. Chris Dodd now has a new role -- head of the Motion Picture Association of America. Nancy Marshall Genzer has more.
#Tigerblood #Winning #PublicNervousBreakdown
John Moe
Mar 2, 2011
Whether you think the whole Charlie Sheen thing is a delightful bit of comedic gawking or whether you think it's a depressing spectacle as the...
States pushing online gambling
John Moe
Mar 2, 2011
The Wall Street Journal reports that New Jersey seems to be the first state to make a major effort to legalize online gambling as a means of...
Facebook app helps you break up couples
John Moe
Feb 28, 2011
Let's say you really like someone and want to date them but they're with someone else. And let's also say you're a horrible uncaring monster of a...
AT&T will sell Kindles
John Moe
Feb 28, 2011
Starting March 6th, you can get a Kindle from an AT&T store. AT&T announced today it will sell the Amazon Kindle 3G - you can connect over...
Scientists use sensors to get close-ups of wild animals; now you can see all this online
John Moe
Feb 28, 2011
The Smithsonian has launched a new website that features more than 200,000 photos taken by researchers from automated cameras. The cameras have...
And the nominees for Best Money-Themed Picture are...
Feb 26, 2011
Top movie critics weigh in on their favorite movies that have a financial slant
For public good, not for profit.
What makes a film risky
Feb 25, 2011
Lauren Bailey from the insurer Fireman's Fund discusses the different aspects of a film that might make it riskier to insure.
Oscar essential: The movie trailer
Feb 25, 2011
Just about every movie has a trailer that previews it -- and new technology and editing are changing trailers as much as movies.
Pocket Hipster is handy, annoying
John Moe
Feb 25, 2011
O technology, what hast thou wrought. Pocket Hipster is an app that mocks your current music and then suggests new music. It features your choice...