The Onion takes its satire to TV

Jan 12, 2011
The Onion -- best known as a news parody website and publication -- is launching a sports satire TV show on Comedy Central tonight. Jennifer Collins reports on how the jokes will fare on air.

Murdoch and Jobs to launch The Daily next week?

Jan 11, 2011
The question mark there at the end is because evidently the January 19th date could still slip. But the plan is for Rupert Murdoch and Steve Jobs...

Lady Gaga finally earns her salary

Jan 7, 2011
We all scoffed when it was announced that pop entity Lady Gaga had been named as a creative director at Minnesota-based Polaroid. Personally, while...

Kinect for PC

Jan 4, 2011
Asus has licensed Kinect technology from Microsoft and will debut a version of Kinect to run on PCs. It's called WAVI Xtion (catchy name, guys!)...

Netflix button to appear on remote controls

Jan 4, 2011
And as long as we're fixated on watching TV this morning, it's about to get even easier to get on Netflix. Starting this spring, remote controls...

Microsoft to announce set top box

Jan 4, 2011
This is kind of a weird one. Microsoft's CEO Steve Ballmer is giving the first big speech of CES and will apparently announce a set top box with...

For public good, not for profit.

Haikuleaks. Or Wikihaiku.

Dec 29, 2010
We first spotted this over at, Andy Baio's highly recommended web site. Some French guys ran the texts of the Wikileaked cables through a...

Can Oprah carry her audience to a cable network?

Dec 28, 2010
It seems that everything Oprah turns to gold. But there's some skepticism that she may fail with her latest venture: Her own TV network.

Sears and KMart team up to sell downloaded movies

Dec 28, 2010
iTunes has a new competitor for movie downloads: Sears. Seriously. Sears has teamed up with Kmart to launch a new service called Alphaline. You can...