Amazon Studios. Amazon Studios? Amazon Studios!

Nov 17, 2010
This is bonkers. Amazon is crowdsourcing new movies in an effort that seems to go beyond simple PR promotions. More like Wikipedia meets Mechanical...

Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Download Band

Nov 16, 2010
It's been rumored for years but something or other has always held it up until today. It's important to note that the tension and enmity between...

Next up on the coy press event roster: Apple

Nov 15, 2010
We've been hashing around Facebook's email system that they say isn't an email system all day....

The Dallas Cowboys lose on field, in the IT office

Nov 10, 2010
I know we have double geeking going on with public radio and tech here but for a moment, let's talk football. The Dallas Cowboys are in the midst...

Websites ditch cookies

Nov 9, 2010
The Wall Street Journal reports on the move of major websites to get rid of technologies that track users, like cookies. MSNBC, The Huffington Post...

Speaking of losing faith in humanity

Nov 8, 2010
Apparently, Call of Duty: Black Ops is TOTES AWESOME YOU GUYZ! How do I know this? Because I infer all my video game reviews from ARMED ROBBERS IN...

Conan O'Brien airs tonight on TBS

Nov 8, 2010
Comedian Conan O'Brien is back on the tube this Monday night with his new late-night show, airing at 11 p.m. ET on TBS.

For public good, not for profit.

Rap wars now conducted on YouTube

Nov 5, 2010
Oh sure, no one recalls the days of rappers shooting each other outside of night clubs with any special fondness, but it does feel a bit hollow...

Hulu Plus is open to everyone

Nov 4, 2010
Well, at least everyone willing to spend ten bucks a month to watch Hulu Plus. You used to need an invitation, you don't anymore. It's like regular...

Minnesota mom fined $1.5 million for downloading music

Nov 4, 2010
The case of Jammie Thomas-Rassert of Brainerd, Minn. has been dragging on for years. She's the first person to take a lawsuit from the RIAA to a...