A trial by fire for veggie burger maker

Aug 27, 2008
When Marie Osmunson received a huge order for her vegetarian burgers from one of the Northwest's most popular fast-food chains, she had a problem: How to deal with success. Mitchell Hartman reports.

Soundproofing the noisy kids upstairs

Aug 20, 2008
The loudest noises in big city apartments often come from the smallest culprits --- the kids upstairs. That's giving acoustic consultants good business. Ashley Milne-Tyte hears them out.

DIY books turn a page in publishing

Aug 19, 2008
The novel is not dead. Nor is any other kind of book. Self-publishing technology has empowered wanna-be writers -- no matter how strange their pitch. Cash Peters checks out the DIY crowd at a book expo in LA.

Seeking more small business money

Jul 30, 2008
Congress is looking over a federal program that gives up to $2 billion a year to small businesses, which will run out in September. Mitchell Hartman reports just one area where the program has had success.

Gates steps down from Microsoft

Jun 25, 2008
Bill Gates is stepping down as the head of Microsoft to devote more time to his foundation. Janet Babin looks back at his career as an industry leader, the impact he had on the tech world and the company structure he left behind.

Small businesses turn to credit cards

Jun 19, 2008
As banks tighten requirements for loans, many small business owners are relying on credit cards for capital, prompting card providers to offer up special business accounts. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.
Credit cards
Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images

Satisfying a taste for gold

Jun 13, 2008
Gold prices have been running at historically high levels, which has put a crimp in some businesses that use the shiny yellow stuff. But in New York City one merchant has found a tasteful way to adjust. Andrea Mustain reports.

For public good, not for profit.

Trump set on his course of action

Jun 11, 2008
Donald Trump is refuting Scottish claims that his proposed $2 billion golf course in Aberdeen would harm environmentally sensitive sand dunes. Stephen Beard reports it could also help support an economically depressed area.

Rope to the beat of your own drummer

Jun 5, 2008
Tim Haft invented a unique approach to working out with an aerobics class in New York City. Now he's trying to figure out how to rope more people in. Brigid Bergin has more on punk roping.

Teaching the business of politics

May 19, 2008
Businesses have always put a lot of money and effort into political campaigns. A business lobbying group in Orlando, Fla., is going one step further. It's training local businesspeople to be politicians. Judith Smelser reports.