Microlending needs bigger ideas

May 13, 2008
One of the most significant innovations for developing countries has been microfinance, giving small loans to poor entrepreneurs. Commentator and economist Dean Karlan says microlending is a valuable tool, but it needs more creativity to keep growing.

'Bottom fishermen' troll for bargains

May 5, 2008
Many homeowners are frantic to refinance as their home values drop. But on the other side of the equation are buyers who are refusing to jump in until the market hits bottom. How will they know when it does? Dave DeWitt reports.

Making Italian salami in Nanjing

Apr 24, 2008
The newest wave of entrepreneurs in China is foreigners. Like Matteo Gonella, who's introducing the Chinese to salami by making it in his factory there. Jamila Trindle looks into how such business pioneers are doing.

House redefines small business

Apr 24, 2008
A House bill, passed late last night, now allows venture capitalists to invest in up to 49.1 percent of a small business. Nancy Marshall Genzer looks into how the change affects competition for government contracts.

Website tries getting groups organized

Apr 14, 2008
Anyone who's ever tried to organize a group purchase, event or boycott knows it can be like herding cats. A Chicago company is taking on that challenge with a Web-based tool for organizing the masses. Gabriel Spitzer reports.

Farmers negotiate trickier balancing act

Mar 31, 2008
An Agriculture Department report says farmers are planning to plant more soybeans than last year. As they're getting ready for the planting season, those farmers are trying to navigate some complicated finances. Adriene Hill reports.

Finding real estate answers online

Mar 28, 2008
Real estate Web sites were already popular for browsing prices, but as Stacey Vanek Smith reports, people now use these sites to find housing crisis comfort from fellow surfers.
Real estate Web sites like Zillow let you view housing prices in your area.

For public good, not for profit.

'Hot' investing for the younger crowd

Mar 26, 2008
Younger people typically don't take the time to think about investing in their future, but a group of mutual funds is marketing with a slant towards Gen-Xers. Alisa Roth has more on fashionable financial planning.

Competing to solve the water crisis

Mar 24, 2008
About a billion people worldwide lack access to clean drinking water, but solving the crisis could cost up to $4 billion a year. Sam Eaton reports on a competition that's using entrepreneurs to find innovative solutions.

A new kind of call to prayer

Mar 19, 2008
Israeli high-tech expert Avshalom Neumann was inspired to set up a business after he saw a religious pilgrim call home from Jerusalem's Wailing Wall. Orly Halpern has more on his call-in prayer service.