A fresh alphabet spells success

Sep 14, 2007
Jera and Brad Deal turned an inventive letter-hunting game with their daughter into a multimillion-dollar business. Sean Cole paid them a visit and did some alphabet searching.

Shoot for the moon, break even

Sep 14, 2007
Google and the X Prize Foundation are offering a $30 million prize for someone who can land a robotic rover on the moon and send back pictures. The reward should just about cover the cost of getting the robot up there. Jeff Tyler has more.

The boss isn't in today . . . ever

Sep 11, 2007
It's important in business to keep up appearances. But what if your office was all appearances? As in, more like a movie set with extras posing as your staff? Cash Peters reports on the growing trend of virtual offices.

An economy built on hopes and dreams

Aug 29, 2007
The lyrics to "Way Down Yonder in New Orleans" call the city the "land of dreamy dreams." But as many put their hearts into rebuilding, Melanie Peeples says those dreams are for sale -- now more than ever before...

Rebuilding at Katrina's 'Ground Zero'

Aug 29, 2007
Two years ago, the hurricane first touched ground at low-lying Plaquemines Parish in Louisiana. Even as most businesses rebuild on higher ground, a new economic core is taking root in Plaquemines. Sam Eaton reports.

Bayou Belles change tides in N'awlins

Aug 29, 2007
New Orleans tourism is practically back in full swing and tax revenues are approaching 85 percent of pre-Katrina levels. But in its low-income neighborhoods, recovery is as potholed as the streets. Enter the Belles of Bayou Road. Sam Eaton has their story.

Thinking like an entrepreneur in college

Aug 28, 2007
Most new college students are preoccupied with dorms, books and classes. But Claremont McKenna College freshman Ben Casnocha has something else on his mind: How to think like an entrepreneur during his four years.

For public good, not for profit.

A business plan made in jail

Aug 7, 2007
An ex-con in Italy hatched a smart business plan while he did time and turned it into a $250,000 a year business selling T-shirts and other goods under the Made in Jail label. Megan Williams has the story.

One company's trash is another's lawsuit

Jul 31, 2007
Entrepreneur Tom Szaky found a way to harness the power of unusable organic material and turn it into plant food. But fertilizer giant Miracle-Gro thinks the product reeks. Alex Goldmark has the dirt.

Can Crocs go the distance?

Jul 27, 2007
The craze for Crocs footwear has outlasted most analysts' projections. It announced yesterday its 2nd-quarter earnings tripled. Yet, it could be tricky for the Colorado-based shoemaker to keep up the pace. Sam Eaton reports.