UK businesses have mixed feelings two months after Brexit vote

Aug 24, 2016
A gun manufacturer is relieved and thinks the UK may have dodged the bullet.
Pro-Brexit supporters holds up placards as they demonstrate outside Downing street in central London on July 13, 2016, on the day new British Prime Minister Theresa May takes over at number 10.

Turkey — EU tensions threaten refugee deal

Aug 22, 2016
A deal credited with cutting refugee flow into Europe is in peril.
The European Union's deal with Turkey over migration could be in jeopardy in the aftermath of the country's recent attempted coup.

After Brexit vote, luring London businesses to Berlin

Jul 25, 2016
Investor thinks companies will move for access to the European single market.
Businesses could be adding their buildings to this skyline following Brexit.

In Greece, breadwinners struggle to support their kin

Jul 21, 2016
Widespread unemployment left some Greeks as sole breadwinner for their families
People sitting outside of a restaurant in Greece. 
Milos Bicanski/Getty Images

In Greece, business people see some improvement

Jul 21, 2016
A publisher and a travel agent reflect a year after the peak of the debt crisis.
Greece has an unemployment rate of 25 percent.
Sean Gallup/Getty Images

IMF cuts Italy's growth forecasts

Jul 13, 2016
The eurozone's third-largest economy faces deep debt problems.
A view of the center of Naples, Italy.

Immigrants bolster Germany's workforce

Jul 13, 2016
In Germany, business and government are working to give newcomers a taste of working life.
Wasim works the line at a Mercedes plant.
Lizzie O'Leary/Marketplace

For public good, not for profit.

With Theresa May in charge, what happens to Brexit?

Jul 11, 2016
The prime-minister-in-waiting promises to honor the referendum.
British Home Secretary Theresa May arrives to make a statement surrounded by members of the Tory party after Andrea Leadsom pulled out of the contest earlier today to become Conservative Party leader outside the Houses of Parliament on July 11, 2016 in London, England.
Carl Court/Getty Images

Understanding the pro-Brexit vote in one English town

Jul 1, 2016
Many people in St. Helens, a former industrial powerhouse, feel left behind.
Lizzie O'Leary/Marketplace

Brexit uncertainty clouds UK economic outlook

Jun 30, 2016
Prime minister's upcoming departure adds a layer of political confusion.
Protesters gather against the EU referendum result in Trafalgar Square on June 28 in London.
Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images