Euro leaders to meet at 'informal dinner' to discuss debt crisis

May 23, 2012
In Brussels this evening, leaders from euro zone nations are meeting in a casual setting to discuss and formulate policy solutions to the European debt crisis ahead of a formal summit.

EU depositors protected, not from euro collapse

May 21, 2012
Depositors into European banks have their money protected, as here in the U.S., but the risk is not just that the bank might collapse, the currency might.

Merkel likely to feel pressure at G8 summit

May 18, 2012
The G8 summit of the world's richest industrialized nation's gets underway this evening at Camp David in Maryland. German Chancellor Angela Merkel could be the center of attention. She's under pressure to get behind stimulus programs for Europe.

High schoolers to the rescue -- of Europe

May 17, 2012
Each year, high school freshmen and sophomores take part in the Euro Challenge, a competition to solve the eurozone's economic woes.

Francois Hollande sworn in, heads to meet Angela Merkel

May 15, 2012
Francois Hollande was sworn in today and promptly headed for Berlin to meet German Leader Angela Merkel for the first time. The two power players in European politics have very different ideas about how to tackle the European financial mess.

Signs of contagion from Greek troubles

May 14, 2012
As the possibility rises of Greece leaving the eurozone, borrowing costs are shooting higher in countries like Spain and Italy.

Greece gambling with 'financial armageddon'

May 14, 2012
New elections in Greece could upend the promises the country made to cut budgets in return for bailout money, and lead to Greece leaving the eurozone. Journalist George Christides says the Greek people might not be aware of the consequences.

For public good, not for profit.

Greek exit from eurozone seeming more likely

May 14, 2012
The prospect of a new round of elections in Greece is boosting the chances of the country's exit from the euro.

Portugal cuts four public holidays to trim budget

May 9, 2012
The Portuguese government announced plans to abolish four national holiday to help ease that country's debt crisis.

French election outcome might not deliver

May 4, 2012
If, as expected, socialist Francois Hollande is elected the next president of France this weekend, to what extent will budget realities crimp his ability to ease off the austerity that he believes is hurting the economy?