Greek bond investors take big 'haircut' in bailout deal

Feb 21, 2012
Hans Humes is one of the private creditors who is now taking a 74 percent haircut on the Greek debt he owns. He explains what that means, and why he invested.

European finance ministers close to agreement on Greece

Feb 20, 2012
The second bailout deal for Greece seems imminent, but it still won't bring a total end to the debt crisis.

Is our economic rebound for real?

Feb 17, 2012
Economic data indicate our economy is warming up. But how might Europe's problems affect America's recovery?

Greek bailout deal drags on

Feb 17, 2012
Economist and blogger Barry Ritholtz is getting tired of watching Greece do its Sisyphus impersonation.

A tale of two economies

Feb 16, 2012
As the U.S. economy improves measurably, Europe slips into crisis mode.

General Motors lags behind in Europe

Feb 16, 2012
For General Motors, the European debt crisis has just piled on the ongoing problem of too much supply, and not enough demand for their cars in Europe.

Instability in Greece likely to continue

Feb 13, 2012
Who has more to lose in the ongoing crisis in Europe -- Greece, or its lenders, like Germany?

For public good, not for profit.

The Greek spending cuts in U.S. terms

Feb 13, 2012
More strict austerity measures were passed in Greece over the weekend. What would the equivalent of the cuts look like here at home?

More uncertainty looms after Greek cuts

Feb 13, 2012
Greeks rioted over the weekend, burning dozens of buildings in protest against budget cuts that are the latest condition for a $170 billion bailout from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund.

Protests in Athens over latest proposed cuts

Feb 10, 2012
Greeks are striking again today to protest deep cuts the government wants to make in order to get more bailout money. But even the most recent austerity deal Greece proposed might not be enough.