Greeks protesting at another critical moment for Europe

Feb 10, 2012
A day after the government submitted a budget cutting plan that’s needed in order for Greece to get more bailout money, there are huge strikes over the cuts going on in Athens today.

Greece reaches austerity deal

Feb 9, 2012
Greek leaders have agreed on a new austerity plan. What will the ripples be throughout the rest of the European economy?

Spanish people facing unemployment over 20%

Feb 8, 2012
We speak to two unemployed Spanish women in Madrid about the dire job situation in their country.

Markets rise on 'surprise and relief'

Feb 8, 2012
With investors feeling emboldened by a strengthening world economy, markets have steadily climbed since October.

Where'd all the volatility go?

Feb 7, 2012
So far this year, just three days have seen the S&P gain or lose more than one percent. So what happened to the markets' roller coaster ride of 2011?

Merkel ends China trip with aid to Europe uncertain

Feb 2, 2012
German Chancellor Angela Merkel ends her trip to China today. Chinese leaders don't promise Europe any specific help to resolve its debt crisis.

German leader Merkel seeks support from China

Feb 2, 2012
German chancellor Angela Merkel is in China this week, telling Chinese leaders that European Union plans to solve its debt crisis can work.

For public good, not for profit.

European leaders approve new fiscal agreement

Jan 31, 2012
European leaders have agreed on the details of a new treaty that requires countries to balance their budgets and limit their deficits. It's a long-term solution to the continent's debt troubles.

The high cost of austerity

Jan 30, 2012
Greek financial woes were front and center at EU headquarters in Brussels today.

Focus shifts back to Greece at European summit

Jan 30, 2012
At yet another summit of European leaders, worries about Greece are coming back to the forefront.