The risk of credit default swaps

Jan 26, 2012
As the risk of Greece defaulting continues to be a threat, we can look to AIG as a warning.

Debt negotiations moving forward in Greece

Jan 20, 2012
In Greece, where negotiations are underway with international banks in an effort to reduce the country's debt. Greece has to make a deal in order to get another round of bailout cash and prevent a messy default.

Down to the wire in Athens

Jan 20, 2012
Greece has been furiously working to save maybe $126 billion on what it owes investors on its government bonds.

Greece closer to avoiding a messy default

Jan 20, 2012
A deal might be drawing near to reducing Greece's debt, and hopefully avoid further crisis in the eurozone.

S&P downgrades France and Austria from AAA rating

Jan 16, 2012
Right after Wall Street closed on Friday, the ratings agency Standard and Poor's downgraded the credit ratings of nine European countries. France and Austria lost their prized AAA credit ratings.

What the S&P downgrades mean for Europe

Jan 16, 2012
Europe correspondent Stephen Beard discusses why the European markets remained pretty steady despite the credit downgrades of several European countries, and why we ought to worry about the Greek debt talks collapsing.
Standard & Poor's downgraded the credit ratings of France, Italy and other European nations. But the markets remained steady. Why?
Thomas Coex/AFP/Getty Images

ECB lending plan helping Europe so far

Jan 13, 2012
In Italy, the government was easily able to borrow $4 billion to pay for spending over the next three years. And the head of the European Central Bank says it is evidence that the new European bailout is paying off.

For public good, not for profit.

Devalue, deflate, inflate or default

Jan 13, 2012
France and Austria get credit ratings downgrades, and Greece weighs its dwindling options.

Alcoa posts first quarterly loss since 2009

Jan 10, 2012
One of the world's largest aluminum producers, Alcoa, announced its first quarterly loss since 2009, blaming problems on the European debt crisis.