As earnings season begins, fears of euro debt crisis

Jan 10, 2012
Alcoa, a major aluminum producer, kicked off earnings season on a dull note. Will other American companies be affected by the ongoing problems in Europe?

Merkel and Sarkozy meet to discuss fiscal union

Jan 9, 2012
In Berlin today, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French president Nicolas Sarkozy meet for the first time this new year to talk about European debt, and treaties to allow for more budget control of eurozone nations.

The German safety deposit box

Jan 9, 2012
In the face of the euro crisis, so many investors are desperate for a safe place to park money, they're paying the German government to hold onto their cash.

French, German leaders meet on eurozone future

Jan 9, 2012
Nicholas Sarkozy and Angela Merkel are speaking in Berlin today, trying to hash out the details of a master plan to save the euro. But it appears the leaders are still working on the same old problems.

European job market struggles more than U.S.

Jan 6, 2012
In Europe, some countries in the north are doing well while in southern countries like Italy and Spain, unemployment is skyrocketing.

Debt downgraded, Hungary asks for help

Jan 6, 2012
Hungary is the latest European Union country to head into trouble, but it isn't part of the eurozone.

European leaders not optimistic for 2012

Jan 2, 2012
Leaders usually like to start the year with optimism, but Angela Merkel and others are finding it hard to see the bright side to the current situation in Europe.

For public good, not for profit.

The economic horizon for 2012

Dec 30, 2011
What can we expect from the housing, jobs, and European markets in the year ahead?

European bond, debt issues wear on

Dec 29, 2011
In Greece, tax collectors are on strike to protest benefit cuts while in Italy, the government was able to borrow $9 billion to help pay for services, but banks willing to lend also demanded a high return.

2011 in review: Europe's debt crisis

Dec 29, 2011
The continent has had a dramatic year. The debt crisis seems to be in check right now, but there’s no telling what might happen next year.