As euro turns 10, a look back at its history

Dec 28, 2011
It'll be the euro's 10th anniversary come New Year's Day. What economists predicted back then, and how true it holds now.

A poem: O Euro! My Euro!

Dec 27, 2011
With apologies to Walt Whitman, the Wall Street Poet considers the euro in verse, circa 2002 and the present day.

Bubbly still flat

Dec 26, 2011
Champagne as an economic indicator for 2012?

Why is there record pessimism in France?

Dec 23, 2011
A new poll finds the French are as pessimistic about the economy as any country has been since 1978.

Has the ECB action helped avert a banking crisis?

Dec 22, 2011
The European Central Bank yesterday printed $640 billion worth of euros, almost the same amount of money as the TARP program used by the U.S. government during the financial crisis in 2008.

For ECB plan to succeed, European banks must buy up bonds

Dec 22, 2011
What looks like a major success now may end up being more of a modest win in the future against the mounting debt crisis in the eurozone.

European banks' overwhelming response to ECB plan

Dec 21, 2011
The news that more banks than expected are putting a hand out for help from the European Central Bank had markets on a roller coaster today.

For public good, not for profit.

Banks take advantage of ECB lending

Dec 21, 2011
The European Central Bank initiated a plan to stop a credit crunch in Europe, and demand for cheap money has exceeded expectations.

Spain's new prime minister will tackle debt, unemployment

Dec 21, 2011
Mariano Rajoy has been elected the new prime minister in Spain, and he will soon have to find solutions to the country's dire debt and unemployment problems.

Italian lawmakers vote on austerity measures

Dec 16, 2011
A vote today in Italy passes a round of austerity measures suggested by newly appointed Prime Minister Mario Monti. But is it enough to make a dent in the problem?