White House trying to avoid economic headwinds from Europe

Dec 6, 2011
Leaders in the U.S. are increasingly worried about the debt crisis in Europe. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is on a grand tour this week to check in on progress there.

Mario Monti unveils austerity plan for Italy

Dec 5, 2011
The new leader of Italy has announced a plan for tax increases and spending cuts to deal with the ongoing debt crisis in the country

Italians react to Mario Monti's austerity plan

Dec 5, 2011
After months of protest, it appears Italians may finally be ready to work with the government to fix the nation's crumbling economy.

Germany, France moot tougher EU budget rules

Dec 5, 2011
Merkel and Sarkozy propose amending the European Union treaty to impose budget discipline on spendthrift countries. Will markets be satisfied?

PODCAST: Italian austerity, American spending

Dec 5, 2011
Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti unveiled a firm austerity plan for his country. In the wake of a tempestuous month for leadership, we take a look at accountability, both in Europe and at American universities. Allan Sloan explains the payroll tax cuts, and reporter David Gura spotlights the increasing wealth gap.
Young Italian students take part in a protest against austerity cuts and lack of jobs on November 17, 2011 in Naples, Italy. It looks like the cuts will have a chance of going through.
Christopher Furlong/Getty Images

Is it too late for the euro?

Dec 5, 2011
The leaders of Germany and France met today to figure out a strategy to bail out the Euro. Is it too late?

Can we expect solutions from Europe this week?

Dec 5, 2011
It is a big week for the European debt crisis, as French and German leaders plan for a meeting Friday.

For public good, not for profit.

Belgium ends 540 days without leader

Dec 5, 2011
Belgium, the country with the fifth largest debt load in Europe, has gone without a full-time government for over 500 days. Today, a prime minister was appointed.

Will European debt crisis sandbag U.S. economy?

Dec 2, 2011
Despite signs the recovery is gaining steam, trouble in the eurozone could sap demand for U.S. exports.