Throwing money at the problem

Nov 30, 2011
Six central banks, led by the U.S. Federal Reserve, have announced a plan to inject dollars into the life support system keeping European banks alive. The move was meant to restore confidence in the global financial system.

Dutch prime minister on the future of the eurozone

Nov 30, 2011
The Netherlands' prime minister Mark Rutte discusses the future of Europe, the eurozone and the global economy.

Can financial cops help the eurozone?

Nov 30, 2011
The European Union is considering having a set of 'budget police' look over its countries' finances, but it still may not solve all the problems.

Ben Bernanke in a Humvee: Why the Fed bailed out Europe

Nov 30, 2011
To better understand why central banks around the world today said they would "inject liquidity" into the global markets, you might imagine the global economy as a highway

Standard & Poor's downgrades major U.S. banks

Nov 30, 2011
Pressure builds in Europe as clear signs begin to show that a default there would hit the U.S. banks hard.

Why the central banks stepped in

Nov 30, 2011
The Federal Reserve and other central banks announced today they were teaming up to increase liquidity in the global economy. What does this mean, and will it actually help the European debt crisis?

Ring-fencing Italy

Nov 29, 2011
There's been a lot of talk recently about the need to ring-fence certain economies in Europe. These aren't the economies that have defaulted or been bailed out; these are the economies that are too big to fail. Italy is the most glaring example.
Paddy Hirsch explains ring-fencing on The Whiteboard.

For public good, not for profit.

Will the euro crisis repeat history?

Nov 29, 2011
The debt crisis in Europe is having a profound effect on banks there, and their ability to lend.

PODCAST: American Airlines takes a nosedive

Nov 29, 2011
What would a doomsday scenario in Europe look like? The Occupy movement has led protesters to take over a UBS building in London's financial district. In China, the government has put a ban on advertisements during primetime TV shows. And American Airlines flies towards... bankruptcy.
American Airlines planes sit on the tarmac at Miami International Airport on October 4, 2011 in Miami, Florida.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

European debt crisis reaches pivotal moment

Nov 28, 2011
Last week marked more bad news for economies across Europe, including Germany. If more countries follow suit this week, the crisis could reach its threshold