President Obama meets with euro officials on crisis

Nov 28, 2011
President Obama is hosting some top European Union officials at the White House this morning, as concerns grow about what the debt crisis in Europe could do to the American economy.

Fiscal union could solve Europe's debt problems

Nov 28, 2011
One idea that's emerging this morning is to create a fiscal union between countries to enforce tighter budgets across Europe.

Europe weighs greater fiscal consolidation

Nov 28, 2011
Eurozone countries are under pressure to consolidate their fiscal policies as a way to resolve their current debt crisis.

Where the euro crisis could hit the U.S.

Nov 28, 2011
Money markets are supposed to be a safe investment. The European debt crisis could soon change that.

PODCAST: Black Friday's leftovers

Nov 28, 2011
The national retail federation says sales over the last 4 days jumped 16 percent from last year. Consumers spent an average of 398 dollars on Black Friday-- and Black Thursday, and all Black Saturday and Sunday. And about 40 percent of that shopping was done online.
Customers shop for electronics items during Black Friday at a Best Buy store in San Diego, Calif.
Sandy Huffaker/Getty Images

PODCAST: Black Friday strikes again

Nov 25, 2011
More and more mobile devices like iPads are handling our purchases, but the makers of computers and cash registers aren't ready to give up the industry yet. TV sets are among the most discounted items for Black Friday this year. New York City's Grand Central Station is about to become home to Apple's newest store, and we speak to the CEO of Macy's on this year's holiday season.
People stand in line to make purchases inside Macy's department store November 25, 2011 in New York after the midnight opening to begin the 'Black Friday' shopping weekend.

For public good, not for profit.

Could the euro be on its last legs?

Nov 25, 2011
The economic problems in Europe continue to gain steam, with Italy and Hungary making the latest headlines.

European bailout fund has little force left

Nov 25, 2011
The news from Europe this morning starts with Italy, which had to pay a euro-era record rate to borrow money from the bond market. Meanwhile, Hungary's bonds were downgraded to junk status.

PODCAST: The cranberry industry, no Thanksgiving for Europe

Nov 24, 2011
This Thanksgiving, we talk to a big wig in the cranberry industry, the CEO of Ocean Spray. While the U.S. is on holiday, financial troubles in the eurozone march on. And Google wants to light up your home -- with lightbulbs, that is.