Brexit looms — either with a deal or without

Jan 11, 2019
British lawmakers weigh the costs of leaving the EU without securing a deal.
Prime Minister Theresa May leaves Downing Street on March 23, 2017 in London, England.
Jack Taylor/Getty Images

Ford plans to close plants and slash its workforce in Europe

Jan 10, 2019
The Ford Motor Co. announced Thursday morning that it’s going to “transform” its operations in Europe. That means the automaker will close plants, stop producing some models and lay off what a Ford executive called a “significant number” of its 50,000 European employees. Ford’s been in Europe for more than a century. It’s also the […]

What to look out for in Europe in 2019

Jan 4, 2019
With Brexit looming and amid economic uncertainty, Europe faces some strong headwinds.
The Berlaymont building, the headquarters for the European Commission, in Brussels.
Mark Renders/Getty Images

London's financial industry watches but says little on Brexit

Dec 10, 2018
The U.K.'s most profitable industry is cautious about airing its views on Brexit.
A Union Jack flag flutters in front of the Elizabeth Tower, commonly known as Big Ben, in London.
Jack Taylor/Marketplace

Brexit in turmoil as May postpones Parliament vote on it

Dec 10, 2018
British Prime Minister Theresa May said she would seek “assurances” from the EU and bring the Brexit deal back to Parliament, but did not set a new date for the vote.
A man waves both a Union flag and a European flag together on College Green outside The Houses of Parliament at an anti-Brexit protest in central London on June 28, 2016. 

A melting Arctic could be key to faster global internet

Sep 26, 2018
With the rise of big data, the internet of things and automated factories, existing internet infrastructure's getting clogged.
Jussi Pekka Joensuu, an adviser for Cinia, holds up a piece of internet sea cable at Cinia's offices in Helsinki. Most global internet communications travel on the 745,000 miles of sea cables buried beneath the ocean floor.
Peter Balonon-Rosen/Marketplace

ECB to end stimulus. Is Europe's economy out of the woods?

Jun 14, 2018
The European Central Bank announced today it is doing something the Federal Reserve has been doing for several years now: It’s taking its foot off the gas pedal of the economy — in this case, the eurozone economy. Specifically, it’s ending its practice of buying up bonds. So is the eurozone back on track? Click […]

For public good, not for profit.

It takes "thousands of hours" to comply with GDPR, says one tech CEO

Jun 12, 2018
The General Data Protection Regulation has been an "intense" process for some companies.
A European Union flag waves in the wind in Berlin.
Sean Gallup/Getty Images

For small companies, doing business in Europe may not be worth the cost

Large companies are spending millions to comply with Europe's new data laws; that could prove tough for smaller businesses.

Getting "terms of service" updates lately? Here's why

Europe is about to enact the GDPR, a set of new privacy rules for the web.
Mark Wilson/Getty Images