Germany, France moot tougher EU budget rules

Dec 5, 2011
Merkel and Sarkozy propose amending the European Union treaty to impose budget discipline on spendthrift countries. Will markets be satisfied?

Why does the EU want U.S. dollars?

Dec 2, 2011
Marketplace Money Senior Producer Paddy Hirsch explains why Europe needs dollars instead of euros as the EU tries to sort out its financial problems.
Europe needs U.S. dollars. Marketplace Money Senior Producer Paddy Hirsch tells us why in our latest Whiteboard explainer.
Angela Kim/Marketplace

Ring-fencing Italy

Nov 29, 2011
There's been a lot of talk recently about the need to ring-fence certain economies in Europe. These aren't the economies that have defaulted or been bailed out; these are the economies that are too big to fail. Italy is the most glaring example.
Paddy Hirsch explains ring-fencing on The Whiteboard.

A doomsday scenario for the euro

Nov 29, 2011
What will happen to the global economy if the eurozone breaks up? A new book considers the options.

Why the world cares about European bond sales

Nov 28, 2011
The normally prosaic process in which European governments borrow money has become a daily test of their economic health.
Fake 500 euro banknotes are placed by Pole Emploi Strikers on the gates outside the Paris Stock Exchange on Nov. 14, 2011 in Paris, France.
Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images

Thinking the unthinkable -- a eurozone "divorce"

Nov 28, 2011
If the 17-member eurozone did break up -- either because of bond market pressure or irreconcilable differences -- what would the divorce look like?

Europe weighs greater fiscal consolidation

Nov 28, 2011
Eurozone countries are under pressure to consolidate their fiscal policies as a way to resolve their current debt crisis.

For public good, not for profit.

Is the euro's death approaching?

Nov 25, 2011
In yet another bad development in the eurozone debt crisis, Italy saw its borrowing costs skyrocket. And now a British regulator has called on U.K. banks to prepare for the possible disintegration of the euro.

Financial markets unimpressed by EU treaties plan

Nov 24, 2011
Critics say a plan proposed by leaders of Germany, France and Italy to modify European Union treaties won't help with the immediate crisis.

Germany struggles to sell its debt

Nov 23, 2011
The country that's considered the strongest in the eurozone had a hard time convincing investors to lay down cash for its debt today, which means the troubles going on in Europe could be entering a new phase.