Oil slump takes Canada into recession

Jul 16, 2015
Declines in exports are the cause. The rest of the economy is holding up.

The trade deficit has widened to $41.9 billion

Jul 7, 2015
America tends to import more as the economy gets stronger.

The informal economy collides with India’s boom

Mar 5, 2015
A street vendor and a manufacturing success story reveal the limits of India's economy.

Port lockouts and the sea's importance in supply chain

Feb 12, 2015
What happens when your ship comes in, and there’s no one to unload your goods.

How a strong dollar can be a corporate weakness

Jan 27, 2015
Multinational corporations can be hurt when profits are "lost in translation."

Yes, U.S. oil exports would cut gas prices. Probably.

Oct 22, 2014
It's hard to know where prices will be a year from now

More than 85% of the seafood Americans eat is imported

Jun 30, 2014
Author Paul Greenberg says we could fix our aquaculture infrastructure.

For public good, not for profit.

China's economic growth slows

Apr 15, 2013
China’s economy continues to rev, but certainly slower than many had anticipated this past quarter. Growth came in at 7.7 percent, down two tenths from the previous quarter.

South Sudan, Sudan agree to restart oil production

Mar 12, 2013
South Sudan, which seceded from the rest of Sudan in 2011, will begin oil production again, under a new deal negotiated in Ethiopia.

Which country depends most on exports?

Feb 11, 2013
Find out which country exports 56 percent of its GDP each year.