Stories Tagged as
How much climate change will cost Exxon
Mar 21, 2014
Exxon the first big energy company to respond to shareholders’ concerns about the cost of climate change.
When oil money runs dry
Jeff Tyler
Jan 30, 2014
Big oil companies have to go farther and use expensive, new technology to tap oil deposits
As Apple stock drops, Exxon back on top
Kai Ryssdal
Apr 17, 2013
As AAPL hovers near $400, Exxon takes back the top spot as the most valuable publicly traded company on the planet.
Apple becomes the most valuable publicly traded company -- for a few hours
Kai Ryssdal
Aug 9, 2011
This final note on the way out. There was a brief rip in the economic space time continuum today. Don't know if you felt it.
Long about mid-day,...
Goldman Sachs to its employees: Stop cussing in e-mails
Bill Radke
Jul 29, 2010
Exxon and Shell profits nearly double...