Travelers may run into delays due to FAA furloughs

Apr 22, 2013
Some groups have filed suit to stop the furloughs of air traffic controllers. The FAA must cut hundreds of millions under federal budget sequestration.

Can we all just agree that SkyMall is now officially dead?

Mar 26, 2013
The Federal Aviation Administration could, by July, recommend new rules about stowing your iPad and Kindle during takeoff.

FAA backs plan to end Boeing's 787 Dreamliner nightmare

Mar 13, 2013
The Federal Aviation Administration has approved Boeing's plans for new safety tests that could get its troubled 787 Dreamliner back in the air as early as this spring.

Boeing to FAA: Let us fly

Feb 22, 2013
Boeing meets with the Federal Aviation Administration on Friday to hash out when it might get its grounded fleet of 787’s back in the air.

FAA grounds Boeing 787 Dreamliners for safety inspections

Jan 16, 2013
The Federal Aviation Administration has ordered a safety review of the lithium ion batteries in Boeing's U.S. fleet of Dreamliner 787 planes.

FAA to reconsider e-book policy

Mar 19, 2012
Currently e-books are banned from planes during taxi, take-off and landing. But as New York Times reporter Nick Bilton discovered, the FAA has recently decided to take a "fresh look" at its digital reader policy.

FAA funding bill limits labor unions

Feb 7, 2012
Congress has passed a bill to fund technology upgrades for the Federal Aviation Administration. But some unions say they lose out under the legislation, which also limits union activity.

For public good, not for profit.

Officials to consider safety of air shows

Jan 10, 2012
The National Transportation Safety Board is holding a hearing today about the safety of daredevil events -- specifically, events like the air show in Reno, Nevada last September in which a crash killed 11 people and injured 70.

Reid announces plan to reopen FAA

Aug 4, 2011
This final note on the way out. Nobody's giving any details, but there's one small sliver of sanity in Washington today. Senate Majority Leader H...