FDA requires lower-dose sleeping pills

Jan 10, 2013
So half the dose should mean half the price, right?

FDA to food industry: Food safety plans are required

Jan 4, 2013
The long-awaited FDA rules focus on preventing outbreaks of food-borne illnesses, rather than tracking after the fact how they occurred.

FDA investigating 5-hour Energy drink

Nov 15, 2012
Energy drinks are boosting sleepy beverage sales, even as the FDA investigates both Monster Energy and 5-hour Energy.

Meningitis outbreak shines light on 'compounding pharmacies'

Oct 8, 2012
Pharmacies linked to meningitis outbreak not regulated by FDA.

FDA studies arsenic found in rice products

Sep 19, 2012
Arsenic occurs naturally in soil, but also comes from manure and pesticides. Rice plants absorb higher levels of arsenic than other crops.

FDA approves at-home HIV test

Jul 4, 2012
But some worry the cost could scare away people most at risk of infection.

'Big Sunscreen' wins delay in new FDA rules

Jun 18, 2012
Stricter regulations on what sunscreen packaging can say were supposed to go into effect today, just in time for summer. But a delay sought by the industry means they won't happen until the winter.

For public good, not for profit.

'Corn sugar' loses to 'high fructose corn syrup'

May 31, 2012
The FDA has rejected a bid to rename the controversial sweetener known as high fructose corn syrup “corn sugar” on nutrition labels.

Diet drugs make a comeback

May 11, 2012
It has been more than a decade since the Food and Drug Administration approved a new pill to fight fat. Now, as the obesity problem grows, several new medicines could be on the way.

Lawmakers pushing to regulate cosmetics

Apr 2, 2012
Right now the Food and Drug Administration is all but powerless to regulate cosmetics. Bills in Congress could give the industry a facelift by banning ingredients linked to cancer and other disorders.