Stories Tagged as
Federal budget
Does President Obama's budget help or hurt soon-to-double student loan interest rates?
Apr 10, 2013
In July, interest rates on some federal student loans are set to jump from 3.4 percent to 6.8 percent -- and students are scrambling to stop the change.
President Obama looks to reduce Social Security cost of living increases with 'chained CPI'
Apr 5, 2013
President Obama's new budget proposal -- which will be formally unveiled next week -- includes a move to slow payments to Social Security.
U.S. infrastructure gets a D+
Mar 28, 2013
Marketplace Economics Correspondent Chris Farrell joins Morning Report host Jeremy Hobson to discuss the state of infrastructure in the U.S. and whether the country can afford to improve it.
Is there a tipping point for U.S. debt?
Mar 25, 2013
High debt equals low growth, right? That's a widely-held belief among the political class, supported by well-funded bipartisan PR campaigns. But many economists just don't agree.
Politics protect baby boomers in budget fight
Mar 14, 2013
Differences aside, there is one thing Republicans and Democrats have in common when it comes to their budget proposals: They are both are friendly to baby boomers.
Budget fail: How long can Washington get along without a spending plan?
Scott Tong
Mar 12, 2013
Washington Republicans and Democrats don't seem close to agreeing on a budget, but does the U.S. really need a federal budget in the first place?
How important is a federal budget anyway?
Mar 12, 2013
It's going to be a big budget week in Washington. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) released his spending plan today, and the Democrats are set to unveil their federal budget sometime in the next few days. But can the two sides come together and agree?
For public good, not for profit.
Sequester could upend lives of federal workers
Feb 28, 2013
Some federal employees stand to lose as much as 20 percent of their wages because of the sequester.
Where does the term 'sequester' come from?
Feb 22, 2013
Former Senator Phil Gramm (R-TX) first used 'sequester' in a budget bill during the Reagan years. He still likes the term and the idea.
Why the national budget is different than a household's
Dec 14, 2012
Throughout the debate about the deficits and debt, you've probably heard a certain metaphor: One that compares the nation
to a household. Well, that metaphor bothers one of the nation's leading economists, Robert Shiller of Yale University.