CEOs rally to pressure politicians on deficit

Oct 25, 2012
With the fiscal cliff looming, an all-star group of CEOs wants both parties to get serious about the deficit. The fix they're calling for will be tough for both parties to swallow.

How to avoid the 'fiscal cliff'

May 30, 2012
Commentator Robert Reich says lawmakers need to apply the brakes on automatic spending cuts and tax increases set to go into effect at the end of the year or the U.S. may face a new recession.

Social Security money to run out sooner than thought

Apr 24, 2012
The Social Security Trust Fund will run out of money three years earlier than previously thought in 2033. As for Medicare, that's still on track to run out of cash in 2024.

Government officials fired over lavish spending at conference

Apr 3, 2012
A new report from the General Services Administration's inspector general says government officials spent hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars on a training conference near Las Vegas -- and the money wasn't only going to binders and bag lunches.

President Obama hopes to boost IRS budget, tax revenue

Mar 5, 2012
We're less than six weeks away from tax day, and this year the IRS is gonna have to do more with less when it comes to processing all those returns. President Obama hopes to change that.

What Americans think about President Obama's budget

Feb 16, 2012
Do Americans agree with President Obama's latest budget proposal? Gallup's editor-in-chief Frank Newport explains what Americans want the government to cut and spend more money on.

Saving money on making money

Feb 13, 2012
In his new budget released today, President Obama said he wants Congress to let the Treasury Department use cheaper materials to mint our coins.

For public good, not for profit.

$3.8 trillion budget released

Feb 13, 2012
President Obama has published his multi-trillion-dollar budget. Despite it being an election year, Karen Shaw Petrou thinks we should take it seriously.

President Obama to announce 2013 budget

Feb 10, 2012
President Obama unveils his budget for next year on Monday, at a community college just outside of Washington, D.C. But how serious is this executive branch wish list in a gridlocked Washington?

Is major tax reform coming?

Feb 1, 2012
Like it or not, some form of major tax change is coming over the next several years. The reason is well-known: The federal government's dire long-term fiscal situation. The real question is what kind of tax overhaul.