Shutdown averted, Congress weighs stimulus

Dec 16, 2011
Now that Congress has averted a government shutdown, it takes up the extension of the payroll tax cut and long-term unemployment benefits

Congress could settle on a two month extension

Dec 16, 2011
Long-term budget issues in Washington are yet to be resolved, but it is likely that leaders will settle on a temporary two month extension of the payroll tax cuts.

Will Congress soon decide on a budget plan?

Dec 16, 2011
For now, it looks at though leaders in Washington will push back any long lasting decisions on the deficit into next year.

R & D tax cut could expire

Dec 15, 2011
The budget debate in Washington has put a lot of programs in danger, including those that depend on research and development tax cuts to innovate.

Will a balanced budget requirement come to the U.S.?

Dec 9, 2011
As news from Europe points to greater fiscal scrutiny for countries in the EU, questions are raised as to whether a balanced budget amendment here at home could finally pass.

For public good, not for profit.

MID-DAY UPDATE: Congress can't meet a budget deadline -- push it back?

Sep 21, 2010
The federal government's budget year ends September 30th - and Congress is nowhere near passing a new budget. What do YOU do when you can't meet a...