Fed Chair Jay Powell: We’re “independent of political considerations”

Jul 12, 2018
In a 30 minute conversation, Chairman Powell discusses tariffs, political pressure on the Fed and wage stagnation.
Jerome Powell listens as President Trump announces Powell as nominee for Chairman of the Federal Reserve in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, DC, November 2, 2017.
SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images

Which states spend more on high-poverty schools? The Urban Institute takes a look

May 31, 2017
Education policy experts generally agree that it costs more to teach kids living in poverty. They come into school at a disadvantage, often need support services and it’s harder to attract good teachers to high-poverty schools. The Urban Institute is out with new data Wednesday looking at which states spend more money on those schools. […]

Is it fair to ask people to work for government benefits?

May 22, 2017
The Trump administration will reveal a major budget proposal tomorrow. It is widely expected to include massive cuts to Medicaid – $800 billion worth over 10 years. States would also get more flexibility to impose work requirements, meaning people who receive government assistance – including Medicaid – would be required to work.  Is that a good […]

Education Department learns how to downsize as threat of budget cuts looms

Apr 27, 2017
'There just is no easy or cheap way to reduce the size of government workforce,' public policy expert says.
U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos speaks as President Donald Trump and educator Kenneth Smith listen during a parent-teacher conference listening session at the Roosevelt Room of the White House.
Alex Wong/Getty Images

As FDA pick nears confirmation, the agency grapples with nearly 1,000 vacancies

Apr 27, 2017
A key Senate committee is expected to vote Thursday on the confirmation of Dr. Scott Gottlieb to head up the Food and Drug Administration. If confirmed, which is expected, one of the headaches Gottlieb will inherit on Day 1: filling as many as 1,000 vacancies at the agency. Filling some of those jobs could speed […]

Majority of Americans feel 'forgotten' by government

Apr 26, 2017
Poll respondents are cynical about Washington politicians and distrust them.
A person in Detroit walks past the remains of the Packard Motor Car Co., which ceased production in the late 1950s.
Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Congressional Budget Office weighs in on the next 30 years

Mar 30, 2017
If you want to be loved, you don’t go to work for the Congressional Budget Office. The non-partisan agency’s job is to make economic projections and provide Congress with all sorts of budget data. Data that fails to account for all sorts of possibilities and invariably makes somebody unhappy. The agency earned the wrath of […]

For public good, not for profit.

Trump’s son-in law to head new American Innovation office with an old concept

Mar 27, 2017
Kushner will try to marry private-sector efficiency with government bureaucracy.

Why the government can't compete with Silicon Valley

Mar 24, 2017
The federal tech workforce is graying, but the clunky hiring process and lower salaries are a turn off to younger workers.
Photo by Central Press/Getty Images

Trump executive order calls for downsized government

Mar 13, 2017
President Donald Trump issued an executive order on “a Comprehensive Plan for Reorganizing the Executive Branch” today. The White House said it’ll make government more efficient, effective and accountable. It’s not the first time a president has done something like this. But, the plan is more about Trump making good on his campaign promises on […]