Toyota tries to break out of its island mindset

Mar 4, 2015
The Japanese worry that their corporations are as insular as the country, and aren't adapting to the global market.

Latest Charlie Hebdo will barely be distributed in US

Jan 14, 2015
3 million were printed but only 300 copies of the magazine will be sold here.

A conversation with Jean Tirole, Nobel Prize winner

Oct 13, 2014
The story of the missed call that ended with a Nobel Prize for Jean Tirole.

GE nears deal for Alstom

Jun 20, 2014
GE wants turbine company, but may end up in business with French government.

PODCAST: Warm reception for retail

Apr 14, 2014
Congress is out for recess, but not to play. And a look at France's proposed new rules for workplace messaging after hours.

Don't mess with French workers' 35 hour work week

Apr 10, 2014
Tech sector employees have struck a new collective bargaining agreement.

Climate change is making English wine better

Feb 21, 2014
Climate change is reversing the fortunes of a once derided industry.

For public good, not for profit.

The French are eating a lot more hamburgers

Feb 17, 2014
One in two sandwiches sold in France is a hamburger. Presumably with French fries.

The man behind an 18th century financial bubble

Jan 16, 2014
John Law was one of the first people to distribute paper money. It didn't end well.

France gets the NSA treatment

Oct 21, 2013
The new revelation is part of Edward Snowden's latest leak.