Europeans say TTIP future is uncertain

Sep 1, 2016
The EU-U.S. trade deal is still being negotiated, but some doubt it will survive.
Protesters rally against the TTIP in Hanover, Germany back in April.
Sascha Schuermann/Getty Images

Are free trade agreements good or bad?

Mar 16, 2016
While politicians exploit the issue, our poll finds that many people have no idea.
 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has been called out by her opponent Bernie Sanders for her stance on the TPP trade deal. 
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

How Americans feel about free-trade agreements

Mar 16, 2016
Our Marketplace poll on economic anxiety reveals uncertain attitudes toward free-trade agreements.
President Obama speaks during a meeting with leaders from the Trans-Pacific Partnership at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing on November 10, 2014. 

Trump and Sanders' populist messages on trade deals

Mar 9, 2016
Democrat Bernie Sanders and Republican Donald Trump's both won Michigan's primary.
Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-VT) (L) is questioned by Fox News host Brett Baer at a Democratic Town Hall March 7, 2016 in Detroit, Michigan. 
Bill Pugliano/Getty Images

U.S. and Mexico get down to business

Feb 23, 2016
U.S. and Mexican officials are in Mexico City to discuss growth and jobs.

Modeling the economic impact of the TPP

Jan 25, 2016
A Brandeis professor says the pact will add half-a-percent to total U.S. income

What Big Pharma wants from the big trade deal

Jun 10, 2015
Drug companies are the biggest lobbying force on the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

For public good, not for profit.

President Obama says China open to joining trade partnership

Jun 3, 2015
Kai sits down with the POTUS to discuss TPP and the future of international trade.

The pros and cons of transatlantic free trade

May 23, 2014
The trade deal could help auto sales but undermine environmental protections.