Oil, gas prices should remain relatively steady

Dec 14, 2011
The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries agreed this morning to maintain global production at about 30 million barrels of oil per day.

Stalled: U.S. consumers buying less gas

Sep 23, 2011
12-month average cost for self-serve regular. source: AAA The American Petroleum Institute says Americans consumed less gasoline in August than ...
12-month average cost for self-serve regular.

A short history of gas prices

Jul 3, 2011
Are you one of the 39.4 million Americans planning to travel 50 miles or more from home this 4th of July holiday? A new survey from AAA says...

Mid-day Update: More on Japan, goodbye Zune

Mar 15, 2011
On today's show, Marketplace continued to follow the effects of Friday's earthquake and tsunami in Japan. The Japanese government is monitoring the...

For public good, not for profit.

MAP: U.S. gas prices by county

Mar 3, 2011
Are gas prices starting to burn a hole in your pocket? Oil has hit $100 a barrel as turmoil in the Middle East continues to shake up the global...

Chart: Global oil supply disruptions through history

Mar 2, 2011
Oil is up to $100 a barrel. Gas prices are well above $3 a gallon. And we're paying a premium because of our dependency on foreign oil. We should...