PODCAST: Fewest first quarter layoffs since 1995

Apr 3, 2014
A new economic indicator seeks to give the GDP some competition in measuring economic health.

PODCAST: College football to get unions?

Mar 27, 2014
The U.S. saw an uptick in GDP. And with 20,000 tech workers commuting daily from Santa Cruz to Silicon Valley, the city tries to start its own tech hub.

Filling in the gaps that Gross Domestic Product skips

Mar 27, 2014
How to do we measure well-being?

Weekly Wrap: Economic blood pressure

Feb 28, 2014
Kai talks to John Carney from the Wall Street Journal and Leigh Gallagher from Fortune for the Weekly Wrap.

We probably should stop taking the GDP so seriously

Feb 28, 2014
Using GDP to rate the economy is like rating a song based on notes.

The stock market is not the economy! OK, what about GDP?

Dec 20, 2013
Today's revised GDP number says the country is growing. But what about the people in it?

Arts and culture contribute more to U.S. economy than tourism

Dec 6, 2013
New calculations on the contribution that arts and culture make to GDP reveal a larger impact than tourism.

For public good, not for profit.

Today's economy: Inventory purgatory

Dec 5, 2013
Revised GDP numbers juiced the market today, but the reality behind the data should give us pause.

What bronies have to do with the economy

Nov 7, 2013
GDP numbers came in today. They looked good at first glance, but there's a hidden story there. A bad one.

We're No. 1: The Nigeria strategy

Oct 31, 2013
Nigeria could soon pass South Africa to become Africa’s biggest economy, but only because it’s changing how it calculates its GDP.