Phew! U.S. can't join the euro

Feb 15, 2013
A look at America's debt and deficit trouble through the lens of European economic standards.

Is a new global recession on the way?

Feb 14, 2013
A slew of GDP numbers out of Europe and Asia today paint a gory picture of the global economy.

U.S. economy shrinks for first time since 2009

Jan 30, 2013
GDP shrank 0.1 percent last quarter. Private investment rose, but government spending fell. That bodes ill if automatic budget cuts can’t be avoided.

GDP drops 0.1 percent but other economic indicators continue to rise

Jan 30, 2013
A Commerce Department report out today shows that GDP fell 0.1 percent last quarter, but consumer spending, business investment and employment continue to rise.

China's economic growth drops to 13-year low

Jan 18, 2013
The world's fastest growing economy just posted it's worst growth figures in over a decade. Is it time to be concerned?

U.S. economy is reaching a crossroads

Dec 20, 2012
The latest revision of third quarter GDP finds the U.S. economy growing even faster than we'd thought this summer -- 3.1 percent.

For public good, not for profit.

GDP revised up to 2.7%, investment revised down

Nov 29, 2012
Though the latest GDP numbers are up and jobless claims are down, the economic details tell a gloomier story.

Economists encouraged by third-quarter growth

Oct 26, 2012
The government is estimating U.S. GDP grew two percent for the past three months. The figure is better than economists had expected -- but then again, they weren't expecting much.

Apple's iPhone 5 sales could boost U.S. GDP

Sep 10, 2012
It's said the new gadget, expected to be released on Wednesday, could add between a quarter and a half a percentage point to fourth-quarter GDP.