Can salary transparency lead to equal pay for women?

Apr 2, 2019
A new survey found that younger women are pushing back against unequal pay.
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How to be an advocate for women in tech

Sep 27, 2017
Harvey Mudd President and computer scientist Maria Klawe believes we need to be inclusive — and vocal.

New Philadelphia law stops employers from asking salary history

Feb 21, 2017
The law, slated to go into effect in May unless it's stopped by the state legislature, aims to close the gender salary gap.
Alex Capano, a nurse practitioner in Philadelphia, was asked about her salary history recently. A new law in the city aims to prohibit employers from asking salary questions in the future.
Emma Lee/WHYY

Hispanic millennials make less, but save more

Aug 3, 2016
A Wells Fargo survey says most millennials don’t think they can stash away $1 million by the time they retire, and the situation is more critical for female and Hispanic millennials.
Tax Credits/Creative Commons

New report traces the gender pay gap from birth to the C-suite

Jul 20, 2016
Women's education doesn't close the wage gap with men, study says.
The often-referenced figure that women earn 79 cents for every dollar men do isn't the whole story.

What are the reasons behind the gender pay gap?

Mar 23, 2016
Computer programmers, chefs and dentists were the occupations that had the highest wage gaps in a recent Glassdoor study.
Computer programming has one of the highest wage gaps among the fields studied in a new Glassdoor report. 
Image via Startup Stock Photos

Why gender bias ... is the "elephant in the valley"

Jan 26, 2016
A survey of tech veterans looks at discrimination faced by women in Silicon Valley.
Ellen Pao (C) leaves the San Francisco Superior Court Civic Center Courthouse on March 27, 2015 in San Francisco, California. A jury found no gender bias against Reddit interim CEO Ellen Pao and former employee at Silicon Valley venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caulfield and Byers. After testifying in the case, independent investor Trae Vassallo was inspired by the support she received from other women to start The Elephant Valley Survey.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Her old salary? Don't ask.

Aug 6, 2015
Women's past wages can't be basis for government job pay, personnel office says.

Closing the gender gap

Dec 15, 2014
Women's global economic and social issues are entering the age of big data.